
  • Center for Environmental Resource Management

       Burges Hall, 213  El Paso, Texas 79968
Phone Logo915-747-5494
HomeWeb Site



Mission and Goals

CERM provides university-wide leadership in research and outreach that focuses on solutions to improve environmental conditions and sustainability in the border region and beyond. Priority areas include water resources management, water and wastewater treatment, and environmental health.

Funders and Collaborators

NSF, EPA & USDA, Bureau of Reclamation, CHIWAWA, and several public, government and industry partnerships.


Developing and supporting large, university wide, interdisciplinary projects, including fostering collaboration, identifying grant opportunities, building and supporting teams, proposal development and project management.

Providing intellectual leadership and initiative in addressing environmental issues in the border region, become a regional "think tank", providing science-based information that informs policy and leads to improved sustainability on the border.

Support the educational role of the University though support of and participation in undergraduate and graduate training and research.


Research and Education in sustainability science, especially related to the water/energy nexus, climate change and environmental health, water resources, and sustainable energy systems.

R&D Education, Community Outreach Projects: Rio Bosque Westland.


Walsh, Elizabeth
Associate Director
Science - Biological Sciences
