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About Joe Kirgues
Joe cofounded the gener8tor program where he manages the company's efforts along with his business partner Troy Vosseller.
gener8tor's four programs nationally ranked accelerators in startup, music and art as well as its newest gener8tor Upskilling effort. In all gener8tor runs over 30 programs across 25 cities ranging from Anchorage to San Juan. To make these programs successful gener8tor partners with a range of investors, universities, cities, states and corporate partners. gener8tor also maintains a 54-member corporate network with flagship conferences in Insurtech, Medtech, Manufacturing Tech, Agtech, Edtech, and Corporate Impact. gener8tor maintains a full-time staff of over 70+ for these efforts.
The 75+ startup graduates of the gener8tor accelerator have raised over $500 million in follow-on financing and created thousands of full-time jobs.