
Dr. Hannah Evans speaks on Population Dynamics and Human Rights
Monday, September 16, 2019 - 03:30 - 05:00

Dr. Hannah Evans will speak on Population Dynamics and Human Rights: Integrating Comprehensive Healthcare with Environmental Sustainability.
Dr. Evans will explore the connections between global population growth, access to comprehensive healthcare, and environmental sustainability. Through an examination of some of the root causes of population growth, she will highlight the links between poverty, marginalization, women’s rights, and environmental pressures made worse by climate change. She will argue that global development is predicated on the institutionalization of reproductive autonomy and increased access to family planning worldwide. She will emphasize that the effects of U.S. policies such as the newly expanded Global Gag Rule have unnecessarily stifled such progress and threatened the lives of millions of women.

Geology Room 123
Event Capacity: 
Event Contact Point: 
James Kubicki