
Jim Becvar

Physical Sciences Building
El Paso Texas, 79968
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Jim E Becvar
Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry - Bioinformatics - Environmental Science and Engineering

In 2023 I help direct the creativity engine and leadership proving ground that is the PLTL Program in chemistry at UTEP. In 2023 I continued as Editor-In-Chief of the on-line journal Advances in Peer-Led Learning, APLL. Five current and former Peer Leaders have published their stories of professional growth in APLL over the past three years. In 2023 I reviewed, edited, and revised Spring 2023 and Fall 2023 350-page workbooks: General Chemistry I: Resource for Peer-Led Team Learning Workshop and General Chemistry II: Resource for Peer-Led Team Learning Workshop. I encouraged the scholarship of Peer Leaders as they authored 22 oral presentations in 2023.Other Accomplishments:1. Continued to promote Peer-Led Team Learning as a data-driven, student-directed and student-facilitated learning strategy.2. Developed strategies for self-sustainability of PLTL on campuses that adopt this form of facilitated learning.3. Provided opportunities for undergraduates to develop contributions to the literature on learning.4. Used biochemical expertise to develop new Intellectual Property to find new antibiotics.5. Promoted and developed the new Trademarks Chromat-O-Art ® and Chromat-O-Heart® into a new industry using the IP in recent patents. 6. Continued to develop Intellectual Property for the betterment of the university.


  1. Chemical Education
  2. Peer-Led Team Learning
  3. Bacterial Bioluminescence
  4. Chromat-O-Heart®
  5. Chromat-O-Art®