
Undergraduate Research
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The Undergraduate Research iMove Community connects faculty and professional staff who wish to share data, knowledge, experiences, and best practices in undergraduate research, scholarly and creative activities. UTEP's Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) serves as the central unit on campus for facilitating undergraduate training in research, scholarly, or creative activities, enhancing student's academic success and professional development, and showcasing the results of their work.


The community aspires to: - Learn from members - Promote interdisciplinary undergraduate initiatives - Share effective practices - Learn about and disseminate undergraduate research opportunities


  1. Mentored Research
  2. Professional development
  3. Research Intensive Courses
  4. Research Methods
  5. Scholarly and Creative Activities
  6. Student development
  7. Undergraduate mentoring
  8. Undergraduate research
  9. Undergraduate training


Canaba, Karina
Center Assignment-No College - Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI)
undergraduate research
Featured: Awards

Paez, Leticia
Liberal Arts - Masters of Leadership Studies (MLS)
Featured: Awards

Assistant Professor
Engineering - Computer Science
Cybersecurity, Human-Machine Teaming, Human Factors, Cognitive Modeling, Decision Making, Computer Science
Featured: Awards

Science - Biological Sciences
Cancer, Biochemistry, Immunology, Health Disparities, Cell Biology, Anti-cancer Drug Discovery
Featured: Awards

Science - Biological Sciences
Bioinformatics, genomics, proteomics, Infectious Disease, Microbiology, Parasites, Biochemistry, STEM Education, Curriculum Development
Featured: Awards

Related Efforts

UTEP Related Effort
Funding: This center is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under linked Award Numbers RL5GM118969, TL4GM118971, and UL1GM118970.

The BUILDing SCHOLARS center is dedicated to the implementation, evaluation and sustainability of a suite of institutional, faculty and student development programs and activities that will positively transform the training of the next generation of biomedical researchers from the U.S. Southwest region in an effort to substantially diversify the biomedical research workforce so that it mirrors the population of the nation.

Freshman Year Research Intensive Sequence (FYRIS)
UTEP Related Effort
Funding: Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The FYRIS program is a three-course sequence designed to provide freshmen with course-based undergraduate research experiences. The sequence consists of one research foundations course taught through SCI-1301 (a core course) and two semesters of a research track. All courses are part of degree plans in various majors. Some courses are at the junior/senior level.

RISE Option III: Research Scholars Program
UTEP Related Effort
Funding: This program is funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH).
Contact: Renato Aguilera

The primary objective of the RISE Scholars Program at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is to increase the participation of disadvantaged underrepresented minority students (URM) in biomedical research. The UTEP RISE Program is comprised of two distinct populations of trainees: a) Students that participate in research projects as undergraduates and b) Graduate students working towards a Ph.D. degree.

On-campus and external undergraduate research opportunities (COURI)

The Campus Office of Undergraduate Research Initiatives (COURI) seeks to enrich the undergraduate experience of students by facilitating, enhancing and showcasing their research training. This mission lies at the core of UTEP’s goal of becoming the first national research university with a 21st century student demographic.

Professional Development Workshops for Undergraduate Researchers
UTEP Resource

During the academic year and again in the summer, COURI offers a series of professional development workshops to enhance the training of undergraduate students engaged in research, scholarly and creative activities on our campus.

National Research Mentoring Network
Effective Practice
Marc Cox

Supported by the NIH, NRMN is a network of professionals committed to support individuals from diverse backgrounds who are pursuing biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social science research careers (collectively termed biomedical research careers) by facilitating mentoring relationships, as well as providing professional development opportunities during all career stages.

Research Mentoring
Effective Practice

Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison dedicated to provide resources to improve research mentoring relationships. It provides curricula, assessment tools and resources relevant for mentors and mentees, as well as those who would like to implement mentor training.

Council on Undergraduate Research

The Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR) is a national organization whose mission is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship. CUR hosts an undergraduate research poster session on Capitol Hill, produces a Quarterly journal, and organizes institutes and conferences for students, faculty and program directors.
UTEP is an institutional member of CUR, along with over 900 other colleges and universities.


I3 Move Communities provide a way to share expertise, resources, and community information to the general public. There are numerous tools available, both open source and proprietary, for engaging in dialog and sharing information and knowledge within a closed group.

This community engages in dialog as follows:

None specified to date.