Objective: Help rural hospital staff better and more appropriately engage with Hispanic audiences/patients throughout the Texas-Mexico border region from a culturally sensitive perspective. Develop three two- to three-hour webinar training sessions and ancillary support materials for state healthcare professionals in hospitals to improve their binational communication skills. Deliverables: •Three webinar sessions, each of one hour duration, once every three month. •Health terms dictionary: Intake terminology and related vocabulary. •Translation/development of English-Spanish intake forms/data sheets/discharge forms (e.g., Instructions with proper, commonly understood terms used by Mexican/Americans.). •Dietary intake suggestions for menu of nutrition program based on Mexican foods. These would be general but would need to be reviewed by a dietitian or other health professional to assess what is appropriate for individual patients. •Pre- and post-assessment of program to measure results and to suggest best practices.
Posting date: Tue, 07/16/2024
Award start date: Thu, 04/11/2024
Award end date: Sun, 06/30/2024