The West Texas Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association is excited to present the 2021 Education Conference "Navigating the Journey Through Dementia Care", a two day professional and family caregiving conference on December 3 - 4.
On Friday, December 3, Alzheimer's Association Director of Scientific Engagement, Dr. Percy Griffin will deliver the keynote - Accelerating Alzheimer's and Dementia Science: Research, COVID-19, and Health Disparities. Additional sessions include Medicare and Dementia, Graphic Medicine, Ethical Issues in Dementia Care, Wound Care and Dementia, and End of Life Care.
Free CEU’s for various professionals: Nurses, SW, MD’s
On Saturday, December 4, families are invited to attend sessions providing support in a caregiver's journey from advanced care planning, addressing legal issues one should consider through the progression of the disease, and taking care of the caregiver.
To register for the Professional Day, Dec. 3 - go to
To register for the Caregiver Day, Dec. 4 - go to