
Ann Gates

Administration Building
El Paso Texas, 79968
Phone Logo(915) 747-7689
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Ann Quiroz Gates
Professor, Computer Science - Cyber-Share
Senior Vice Provost, Academic Affairs
Director, Cyber-ShARE Center of Excellence

Dr. Gates is Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs at the University of Texas at El Paso. She also serves as the Executive Director of the Computing Alliance of Hispanic-Serving Institutions (CAHSI), an NSF INCLUDES alliance that focuses on the recruitment, retention, and advancement of Hispanics in computing. She is past director of the Cyber-ShARE Center of Excellence, which has the mission to advance education and research through cyberinfrastructures that support information exchange and integration, as well as collaborative interdisciplinary research. As national leaders in the study of collaborative science and engineering, the Center developed and applied models of team-based, cooperative learning, interdisciplinary teamwork, and knowledge integration and management. Dr. Gates’ research area is in software engineering with a focus on development of technologies for monitoring software correctness and data quality. Her work extended and defined software engineering methods, in particular technology to support development of systems that are of high consequence, i.e., failure of the system could result in loss of life, equipment, security, or financial losses. She is recognized for her work on the Affinity Research Group Model, a set of practices that support the creation and maintenance of dynamic and inclusive research teams in which students learn and apply the knowledge and skills required for research and cooperative work. She has deep experience in creating and managing large teams, collective impact, and systemic change.


  1. Software Engineering
  2. Verification and Validation
  3. Requirements Engineering
  4. Cyberinfrastructure
  5. Workflows
  6. Computing Education
  7. Undergraduate Research