The project will enhance CHW training to focus on resolving the digital health literacy gaps in the community that were identified through the first part of the project. These gaps were particularly evident among older adults, youth, and migrants. For instance, participants in the first part of the project recognized that older adults need more hands-on demonstrations to learn to navigate and use cellphones, especially outdated or government-issued cellphones, before being able to learn how to access patient health portals or find credible health information online. Participants would be recruited through Familias Triufandoras to participate in six training sessions that will allow them to practice with equipment, use reliable health engines, and learn how to connect community members to the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). Each CHW would reach out to at least 75 community members over the course of six months to continue expanding digital health literacy and health equity in the El Paso community. The goal is for CHWs to ultimately reach out and educate a total of 3,000 community members in health information technology and ensure that members are connected to broadband. We will enhance training materials and develop better documentation of outreach to include data on more demographics factors and input from community members, followed by management and analysis of data using reputable software, such as REDCap. CHWs will be trained weekly through the exiting CHW program that Familias Triunfadoras, Inc. leads at UTEP. CHW's will receive 20 hours of digital technology training, 2 hours weekly for 10 weeks on Saturdays in UTEP campus. Once the CHW's receive training they will reach out to community members in both urban and rural areas through outreach, health fairs and community events. Use of iPads will be promoted to ensure CHW's feel comfortable using technology and documenting their outreach efforts.
Posting date: Mon, 01/08/2024
Award start date: Fri, 12/01/2023
Award end date: Sat, 11/30/2024