

PI: Eva Moya
Co-PI: Guillermina Solis
Social Work
Amount awarded: $280,000

The University of Texas at El Paso is strengthening the Health Outreach Prevention and Education (HOPE+) model to address disparities and gaps in health and human services in El Paso County. The uniqueness of the HOPE+ model is the following: health fairs provided in geographically accessible locations to vulnerable and marginalized (V&M) individuals; on-site services provided by health and social agencies; follow-up referrals tailored to ensure access to care. We seek to strengthen and expand HOPE+ to serve 2,000 persons, 80 community partners and expedite services with integration of real-time technology for participant support enhancement and data harmonization, and to integrate 25 Community Health Workers (CHWs). We will engage health and human service professionals and students for provision of person-centered care during and after the fairs. The current non-digital process is labor intensive, delays follow-ups, and limits data harmonization and evaluation to ensure HOPE+ dissemination and sustainability. We will use REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) a secure web application implemented in any setting. We will utilize UTEP's CUE, a web- based platform that connects faculty and students to the El Paso County and surrounding border community collaborating agencies. This technology will help us connect with partners directly and exchange non-confidential documents needed in HOPE+ planning, delivery, and celebratory events. UTEP Social Work, Nursing, Clinical Laboratory Sciences, Occupational and Physical Therapy students will be instrumental in the implementation process. We will incorporate UTEP HUNT Institute technology for impact-outcome evaluation () to collect, clean, harmonize data and conduct overall analysis pf the HOPE+ Model to disseminate outcomes and leverage support to ensure sustainability. We will serve vulnerable and marginalized populations experiencing homelessness, at risk of becoming unsheltered, seasonal and farmworkers, refugees, asylum applicants, recently arrived New Americans and communities that are geographically isolated from access to health services and experiencing health inequalities.

Posting date: Tue, 07/16/2024

Award start date: Mon, 01/01/2024
Award end date: Fri, 01/23/2026