The El Paso MPO develops the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that serves as the blueprint for all the activities to be performed annually as mandated by federal laws, regulations, and procedures. The UPWP is divided into five major tasks, and further subdivided into subtasks as needed. The MPO requires the assistance of UTEP′s qualified personnel, including Imad N. Abdallah, Dr. Claudia Valles, and UTEP students. UTEP agrees that Dr. Claudia Valles will be dedicated on a full-time basis to assisting the MPO. She will coordinate with senior MPO staff on assigned tasks. Table 1 sets out how Dr. Valles will divide her time among the UPWP subtasks. Task Subtask % of Time 1.2 Public Participation 5% 1.3 Title VI Civil Rights/Environmental Justice Activities 10% 2.2 Congestion Management Process 10% 2.4 Transition to Performance Based Planning and Programming 5% 4.1 Metropolitan Transportation Plan 5% 4.2 Regional Transportation Modeling Activities 20% 4.3 Air Quality and Transportation Planning 40% Other UPWP duties as assigned 5% Total 100%
Posting date: Wed, 01/10/2024
Award start date: Mon, 01/01/2024
Award end date: Sat, 08/31/2024