
Munmun Chattopadhyay

Munmun Chattopadhyay
Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso

Dr. Chattopadhyay’s labs focus on different models of peripheral neuropathies, including diabetic neuropathy, as well as the treatment of these conditions by the viral vector-mediated gene therapy approach. Her earlier work focused on understanding the pathogenesis of painful neuropathy and development of novel treatments for this condition, which involved the regulation of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors and ion channel trafficking. Recently, her labs have focused on the contribution of increased neuroimmune activation in the pathophysiology of Type 1 and Type 2 diabetic neuropathy. These studies focus on identifying specific cytokines/chemokines and their interaction with voltage gated ion channels that may lead to targeted therapeutic interventions for diabetic sensory neuropathy. Dr. Chattopadhyay’s lab also concentrates on understanding the role of neuroinflammation in the development of other diabetic complications in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and whether exercise, as well as alternative approaches, could alleviate the development of these complications.



Collaboration Type


Content credit by:
Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso, source http://elpaso.ttuhsc.edu/gsbs/faculty.aspx

Texas Tech University Health Science Center El Paso, source http://eptechview.ttuhsc.edu/uncategorized/dr-munmun-chattopadhyay-is-first-faculty-researcher-in-coe-in-diabetes-and-obesity/