
Applied Artificial Intelligence (AAI)
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The AAI Community of Practice is comprised of faculty, staff, graduate students, government partners, and private industry sponsors. Members come from diverse academic fields but are all interested in the research and application of Artificial Intelligence to multiple domains which includes, but is not limited to healthcare, medicine, systems engineering, education, as well as testing and evaluation of autonomous systems.


Members of the AAI Community of Practice aspire to afford students, partners, and faculty exemplary opportunities to enhance understanding, identify funding sources, and network with experts in the field of applied artificial intelligence and machine learning. We plan to do this through discourse, seminars, conferences, class projects, and guest speakers interested in identifying and expanding the domains which may benefit from applying AI and Machine Learning to society’s grand engineering challenges. Join Zoom Meeting https://utep-edu.zoom.us/j/82560832530?pwd=d0pGdS9neElvdVVWY3Zub3l0MHI1Zz09 Meeting ID: 825 6083 2530 Passcode: ZT5NPy6B


  1. Artificial Intelligence
  2. Artificial Neural Networks
  3. Cluster Analysis
  4. Convolutional Neural Networks
  5. Data science
  6. Deep Learning
  7. Machine Intelligence
  8. Machine Learning
  9. Supervised and unsupervised learning


Salcedo, Oscar
Engineering - Research Institute for Manufacturing and Engineering Systems (RIMES)
Curricula design for STEM learning, Quality Management, Systems Design, Six Sigma Blackbelt, Quality Management, Systems Assessment, Application of Kano Curves and Attractive Quality, ISO 9000, Internal Auditor
Featured: Awards

Engineering - Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering (IMSE)
Renewable Energy and Bio-medical EngineeringInternet Based Manufacturing/Computer-Based Decision Support SystemsSustainability EngineeringData Mining and Knowledge ManagementQuality Improvement Technology
Featured: Awards

Center Assignment-No College - Research and Sponsored Projects (Office of)
Cyber-security, supercomputing, factor analysis, spatial analysis, R, PHP

Lin, Yirong
Engineering - Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
Sensors, Composites, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Materials, Embedded sensing, Energy Harvesting and Storage
Featured: Awards

Assistant Professor
Engineering - Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering (IMSE)
Systems Engineering, Model Based Systems Engineering, MBSE,Systems Thinking, Digital Engineering, Social Media Analytics, Data Science, Emergency Management
Featured: Awards


Jesus, Jimenez  (View)
Texas State University San Marcos
Lucero, Sergio  (View)
Barrio Technologies
Montoya, Yazmin  (View)
Intel Corporation
Quiros, Ondrea  (View)
El Paso Community College
Salcedo, Andrea E.  (View)
City of El Paso Public Health
Servin, Christian  (View)
El Paso Community College
Villegas, Oscar  (View)
University of Texas at El Paso
National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
External Resource

The President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology has published Recommendations for Strengthening American Leadership in Industries of the Future, including AI, and calls for new and sustained research in AI to drive science and technology progress. The National AI Research Institutes program enables longer-term research and U.S. leadership in AI through the creation of AI Research Institutes. New to the program this year are contributions from partners in U.S. industry who share in the government’s goal to advance national competitiveness through National AI Research Institutes. This year’s industry partners are Accenture, Amazon, Google, and Intel Corporation.

artificial intelligence for all (AI4all)
UTEP Resource

AI4ALL Summer Program is a UTEP resource for increasing El Paso High School students' awareness of Artificial Intelligence and how it can help the Borderland and the world.

The National Science Foundation for Engaged Learning
External Resource

The National Science Foundation AI Institute for Engaged Learning is guided by a vision that supports & extends the capabilities of teachers and students using AI. The Institute conducts research on AI-driven narrative-centered learning environments with embodied conversational agents and powerful multimodal sensing capabilities to create deeply engaging collaborative story-based learning experiences. The Institute’s AI-driven learning environments build on its advances in core AI on natural language processing, computer vision, and machine learning.

Udemy course: AI A to Z: learn how to build an Artificial Intelligence
External Resource

Combine the power of Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to create powerful AI for Real-World applications! (Course cost is $23.99)


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This community engages in dialog as follows:

None specified to date.