
Planetary Science and Astrobiology
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We are an interdisciplinary group of scientists, engineers, tinkerers, and explorers. We work in laboratories, contribute to spacecraft missions, and perform telescopic observations. We develop theoretical models, perform computer simulations, and analyze large datasets. We go out to the field to collect samples, or test rovers and drones. Sometimes we succumb and entertain science fiction ideas or ponder about the really big questions. Our goal is to understand the formation and transformation of the Earth and other planetary bodies, as well as the origin, evolution, and distribution of life in the Universe.


The main aspiration of this community is to build and strengthen planetary science and astrobiology research collaborations between members of the UTEP community. In time, these will lead to the creation of a research center and multidisciplinary academic programs. UTEP is located within 500 miles of 8 major astronomical observatories and the main launch sites of 2 aerospace companies. Many of our students are interested in Earth and space research and exploration. We have strong science and engineering groups with connections to NASA and the aerospace industry doing work in relevant fields. UTEP has all the ingredients to become a powerhouse in planetary science and astrobiology, and we want to catalyze that growth.


  1. asteroids
  2. astronomy
  3. atmospheric science
  4. biology
  5. comets
  6. cosmochemistry
  7. earth science
  8. exoplanets
  9. geology
  10. hydrology
  11. moons
  12. oceanography
  13. physics
  14. planets
  15. remote sensing
  16. simulations
  17. solar system
  18. space exploration
  19. space physics
  20. spacecraft


Science - Physics
Nuclear physics, surface physics, physics education, science education, mentoring.
Featured: Awards

Assistant Professor
Science - Physics
Computational physics, Phase stability and thermodynamics, Machine learning, Data science, Atomistic simulations of materials, Density Functional Theory
Featured: Awards

Science - Physics
Density Functional Methods, Molecular Magnetism, Scientific Computing, Infrared and Raman Spectoscopy, Catalysis, Quantum Science and Algorithms,
Featured: Awards

Associate Professor
Science - Physics
high-pressure, shock waves, large-scale atomistic simulations, density functional theory, phase transitions, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics

Wagler, Amy
Health Sciences - Public Health Sciences
generalized linear mixed models, latent variable models, multiple comparisons, simultaneous inference, bias reductions, graph theory modeling; biostatistics; language and culture in statistics education
Featured: Awards


Oliver, Destynne  (View)
The University of Texas at El Paso


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