Researcher(s) Keywords:
- fullerene-crown ethers
- crown ethers
- self-assembled monolayer ion sensors
- electrocrystallized materials
- supramolecular science
- Fullerene electrochemistry
- gene-vaccines
- peer-led team-learning
- nanoscience
- clean water and green energy technologies.
- supramolecular
- gene-sensors
- Bioinorganic
- DNA/RNA-delivery
- Portable Engineering Labs
Featured Researcher(s):
Date: 10 December 2012 22:30
When Luis Echegoyen, Ph.D., joined The University of Texas at El Paso in 2010 as the Robert A. Welch Chair in Chemistry, one of his goals was to put together a multidisciplinary team of researchers who were interested in developing high-efficiency photovoltaic systems.
About 25 faculty members from chemistry, engineering, physics and science met once a week to discuss their areas of expertise and exchange ideas.
Full story: [ Link to University Communications ]