Researcher(s) Keywords:
- HPV related cancers.
- Food and Housing Security
- Community-Engaged Scholarship
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
- Intimate Partner Violence
- tuberculosis
- Homelessness
- Photovoice
- Community of Service and Practice
- End-of-Life decision making
- Alzheimer's Disease and related Dementia (ADDR)
- falls and injuries in older adults
- Latinx health disparities
Featured Researcher(s):
Date: March 02, 2022

The University of Texas at El Paso, under the leadership of Eva M. Moya, Ph.D., associate professor of social work, and Guillermina Solis, Ph.D., assistant professor or nursing, received a $200,000 grant from humanitarian charity Direct Relief to expand the H.O.P.E. health fairs and education services to unsheltered and uninsured people in El Paso County.
Full story: [ Link to University Communications ]